

Coffee is our drug. Quite literally.

And we find it extremely difficult to function on any given day until we’ve had at least two shots of the stuff. It’s the fuel that keeps us going. We’ll always argue the health benefits of it and we’ll happily pay a premium. Our travel budgets now always include an allocated amount for our coffee addition.

We’ve drunk A LOT of coffee all over the world. The good stuff, the bad stuff, and the stuff in between. Our bucket list includes visiting a coffee farm or two (hopefully in Central or South America) and our dream home is likely to eventually include a fairly expensive machine.

Coffee brings people together. We’ve met some incredibly passionate and talented baristas along the way which has made for some memorable experiences. 

If you’re looking for a cup of liquid gold beyond McDonald’s watery nonsense, underneath the sugary Starbucks foam and all the other nasty, last-resort chains – use our coffee guides to search for your next caffeine hit. We don’t think you’ll regret it!


The Parisians sip un café, the Portuguese drink bica and the Swedes sure know how to fika. Coffee is embedded within the daily routines of many Europeans. Drinking it black and strong may be how it all started. These days, there are coffee roasteries who are leaders in roasts and taste as well as their unwavering commitment to ethical sourcing and fair-trade production of their coffee beans by the farmers who grow them. Batch brew from you hotel buffet is okay every now and then but if you’re craving the good stuff, check out some of our coffee guides.


Never have we paid more for liquid gold than on the Asian continent. But we’re addicted to the stuff so we’ll happily pay the premium. The coffee culture is well developed in some places so we implore you – don’t take the easy way out with a Starbucks or Doutor. Coffee roasters and baristas in Asia are sticklers for technique and possess meticulous attention to detail. A brewed coffee is never rushed so we can tell that they’re passionate about the good stuff – you just have to know where to find it.


The country responsible for creating the beloved flat white pumps out thousands of coffees a day. And other than giving the world a top notch espresso blend, the cafes in Australia must be doing something else really well because it even managed to push Starbucks out of here. Producing some of the best roasts and brewing delicious espresso blends, you should only expect the highest quality in your cup from baristas on the island continent. If it’s rubbish, send it back.



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