Renowned for its “sparties” (“spa parties”) and home to Sziget, one of Europe’s largest music festivals held every August, Budapest can be a party destination. Whether you’re visiting for the good times or a more casual affair, finding a decent cup of coffee in Budapest to recharge, is easier than you think.
I visited during the winter, thus missing Sziget and choosing to skip a “sparty”. After exploring Budapest Castle in the morning, I was looking for a place to rest my feet, warm up and grab a coffee. As it began to snow, I took a quick turn down a hidden laneway and discovered a small coffee shop.
This place turned out to be a coffee lover’s goldmine. Not only did it serve excellent coffee, but this cafe was also part of a collective group of cafes serving specialty coffee in Budapest. You could collect stamps when you visited each one. For the next three days, I was like Alice in Wonderland following a golden pathway of caffeine in hope of finding excellent coffee.
Read about the cafes I discovered on my journey for coffee in Budapest which took me all over town from the Buda to Pest.