1. Bring Your Lunch To Work
Have you ever stopped to calculate how much you’re forking out each week on your sandwich or a couple of sushi rolls every day? We’re talking a fairly significant amount. Even if you don’t consider yourself a masterchef, research some simple recipes, whip them up in advance on a Sunday and take your lunch to work EVERYDAY.
We’ve provided a few of our favourites* below to get you started:

2. Sell Your Stuff
If you have clothes in your wardrobe (ahem, Jasmine) that you don’t wear anymore or other good quality items around your house that you no longer need or use, then start listing them on eBay, Gumtree or use smartphone apps such as depop, letgo and Vinted. Otherwise, grab a buddy and set up a stall at the weekend market and convert your material items into cash that you can put towards your travel adventure. After all, travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.
Note: Do NOT go and spend newly hard-earned money on acquiring more stuff! See point 6 below.
3. Skip The Morning Coffee Or Afterwork Beer At The Pub
Even the smallest amounts add up in the long run when you are trying to save money for travelling. The $4 latte every morning (ahem, Bevan) quickly turns into two night’s accommodation or a cheap airfare to your next bucket list destination. Instead of going to the pub, grab a six-pack and invite your mates back to your place for a beer.

4. Cancel The Gym Membership
One of the simplest methods to save money in our opinion. If you struggle to get motivated to work out solo, grab a few friends and go for a run around the park or improvise your own HIIT session. Use your bodyweight, the park or stairs as your equipment. There are plenty of free workouts online that will have you burning fat and toning your butt in no time. One of our favourite quick workouts can be accessed via this link.
5. Change Your Commute
Cut down your dependence on a car by riding a bike or using public transport. This way you’re reducing your carbon emissions and may even get some incidental exercise. If a car is really necessary to get to and from work, try to organise carpooling with some fellow colleagues. You may even enjoy some carpool karaoke.
6. Borrow Gear
Do you groan inwardly at the thought of buying loads of expensive equipment knowing that you’ll most likely only use it for one trip only? Once you return, the gear sits at the top of the wardrobe or in the garage gathering dust. Most of us have probably done this. Be savvy – ask your friends or work colleagues if they have camping equipment or ski jackets they could lend you.
Obviously, if you plan to take a snow trip each year or make camping a regular event, you may want to do the opposite and make the long-term financial investment in the gear. This is also a sound financial decision. If you believe it to be a one-off occurrence, borrowing or renting gear is practical.
7. Hide Your Money
We don’t literally mean hide your savings under the mattress (does anybody do that anymore?!). Rather, set up a second bank account and move your savings here. Put a restriction on yourself to not access these funds until your travel adventure. Ask the bank to put a restriction on it for you too! If possible, find a bank that offers accounts to earn bonus interest income.
Have you got other money saving hacks that you’ve used to help you keep travelling? Tell us in the comments below!
We’re also inspired by fellow traveller’s stories as many have been through similar experiences. Make sure to have a read here.
Bren On The Road – How I Saved $45,000 In Three Years To Create A Life Of Travel